Institutional Web Management Workshops
About IWMW
The Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW) series was established in 1997. The annual workshop, which normally runs for 3 days, is the premier event for members of institutional Web management teams in the UK's higher and further education communities.
IWMW 2013
The Institutional Web Management Workshop 2013 (IWMW 2013) event was held at the University of Bath on Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th June 2013.
The Twitter tag for the event was #iwmw13
IWMW 2013: The Key Resources
Did you miss out on IWMW 2013? We're please to report that links to the key resources are now available. This includes speakers' slides; photographs posted on Flickr; Lamyrd entries and curated Storify summaries.
IWMW 2012
The Institutional Web Management Workshop 2012 (IWMW 2012) event was held at the University of Edinburgh on Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th June 2012.
IWMW - The Future
Brian Kelly, the founder of the IWMW series of events, is exploring sustainability options for the event. Please see the UK Web focus blog for further information.