Raising Awareness

"The IWMW event provides an opportunity for those involved in the provision of institutional Web services to hear about institutional case studies, national initiatives and emerging technologies and to actively participate in a number of parallel sessions."

IWMW 2011 is the fifteenth workshop.
IWMW logo

Institutional Web Management Workshop 2011:
Responding to Change


This page contains news about the Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW) 2011.

IWMW blog is now Closed
This year's event blog has now been closed. Details on blog statistics and use have been published. [01 Sep 2011]
Details of Mechanisms for Promoting IWMW
A summary of the promotion channels used to market IWMW have been published. We would like to make sure that we are reaching our target audience, so if you have any suggestions please do comment. [22 Aug 2011]
Event amplification summary
A summary of decisions regarding the event amplification for IWMW 2011 has been published. [17 Aug 2011]
Risk assessment for IWMW 2011 Web site
A risk assessment page has been published on the IWMW 2011 Web site. [17 Aug 2011]
Evaluation of IWMW 2011 Event
An evaluation of the IWMW 2011 event has been published on the UK Web Focus blog. [15 Aug 2011]
Online Evaluation Form
Could all delegates (including remote attendees) please fill in the online evaluation form. [28 Jul 2011]
IWMW Flickr photos
If you share your IWMW photos on Flickr please use the #iwmwtag. [27 Jul 2011]
IWMW Slideshare Event
If you facilitate a parallel session could you add your slides to the IWMW Slideshare Event. [26 Jul 2011]
Video Streaming Information
Information is now available on video streaming for the event. This year we will be using Adobe Connect. [25 Jul 2011]
Introducing the Sponsored Delegates
We are pleased to introduce our three sponsored delegates. Thanks Statistics into Decisions (or SiD) and Navopia for sponsoring. [20 Jul 2011]
Travel Information Online
Travel information including maps is now available online. [19 Jul 2011]
Delegate Information Online
Delegate information including photos of venues is now available online. [18 Jul 2011]
Sponsored Places for IWMW 2011
Thanks to sponsorship provided by Statistics into Decisions (or SiD) and Navopia we are pleased to offer a limited number of free places to participants who would like to attend the IWMW 2011 but are unable to do so due to lack of institutional support. [11 Jul 2011]
Bookings for IWMW 2011 Now Closed
Bookings for this year's event are now closed. [08 Jul 2011]
Extension of bookings and day tickets now available
Due to the recent addition of the preceeding DevCSI event bookings have been extended for one week. Day tickets are also being provided for those who are unable to attend the full 2-day event. [04 Jul 2011]
DevCSI Workshop on Open Data and the Institutional Web
DevCSI will be running an event on the day before this year's IWMW. The workshop on Open Data and the Institutional Web is free and lunch, refreshments and accommodation will also be provided. Places are limited. [01 Jul 2011]
Feature item on UKOLN Web site about IWMW 2011 blog
A feature item introducing the IWMW 2011 blog has been published on the UKOLN Web site. [28 Jun 2011]
IWMW 2011 Lanyrd Site
A Lanyrd site has been set up for this year's event. It contains Twitter details of speakers and attendees. [22 Jun 2011]
IWMW 2011 blog: Numbers Matter!
A post introducing one of the key themes of IWMW 2011 and related plenaries and parallels. [15 Jun 2011]
IWMW 2011 blog now live
The IWMW 2011 blog is now live. We will be using the blog to facilitate discussion about, and related to, this year's Institutional Web Management Workshop. [13 Jun 2011]
Bookings now Open
You can now book for the event. Delegate costs are 250, this includes ensuite accomodation, meals and materials. [04 May 2011]
Draft Programme now Available
A draft programme for this year's IWMW is now available. The programme has been created using Eventstreams. Eventstreams is a tool for event Web site management that we are evaluating. [08 Apr 2011]
Evaluating the use of Eventstreams
This year we are evaluating use of the Eventstreams tool in order to simplify the provision and management of the event Web site. The programme and speaker details have been created using Eventstreams although other information is hosted on UKOLN's IWMW Web site. Note that this is a beta service so do feel free to provide any comments you have to the development team at Eventstreams. [06 Apr 2011]
Call For Speakers And Workshop Facilitators now Closed
The call for participation is now closed. If you are interested in submitting a late entry contact the organisers. [04 Feb 2011]
Call For Speakers And Workshop Facilitators
The call for participation is now open. Submissions will need to be made through an online form. The deadline for proposals is Friday 4th February 2011. [08 Dec 2010]
Survey on the Impact and Value of UKOLN's IWMW Event
It would be a great help to us if you could fill in a survey on the impact and the value of the IWMW Event. This survey is open to attendees at previous IWMW events, speakers and facilitators at the events, those who may have participated remotely and those who may have sponsored the event or attended as an exhibitor. [03 Dec 2010]
IWMW 2011 Ideascale site set up
The Institutional Web Management Workshop Ideascale is available for people to offer suggestions for sessions and activities. [29 Oct 2010]
IWMW 2011 to be held at Reading University
The Institutional Web Management Workshop will be held at the University of Reading from Tuesday 26th to Wednesday 27th July 2011. [28 Oct 2010]


RSS Feed

RSS Feed available An RSS news feed of the page is available which you can view using RSS viewers such as RSSxpress.

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Policies On RSS Feeds

The following policies apply to RSS feeds for the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2011:

  • We will seek to ensure that the content of the RSS feeds is accurate and appropriate.
  • We will seek to ensure that the titles and descriptions are kept to a consistent length and style.
  • We will endeavour to ensure that the URL of this page and of the RSS feeds for at least one year after the event.
  • We will validate the RSS files when they are created or updated.
  • We will make use of simple, clean RSS in order to ensure the feeds can be used in a wide range of RSS readers.