Institutional Web Management Workshop, IWMW 2013
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Booking for IWMW 2013
Bookings are now closed.
This page provides information about booking for the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2013 to be held at the University of Bath from Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th June 2013.
The cost is £350 per person with two night's ensuite accommodation or £300 per person with no accommodation. Special rates are given for speakers, facilitators and panelists.
Also note that since we appreciate that delegates may wish to arrive in Bath on the Tuesday, an additional night's accommodation can be booked for the Tuesday evening for an additional £60.
The delegate fee includes full attendance at the workshop, conference materials, refreshments and lunch, workshop dinner and social events.
Note that lunch will be provided on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th June and dinner on Wednesday 26th June. A reception, with drinks and nibbles will be provided on Thursday 27th June at the Roman Baths after which delegates may wish to visit Bath's many pubs and restaurants for an evening meal, the price of which is not included.
Speakers and workshop facilitators will receive a discounted place at the event - please select the appropriate option.
The workshop is aimed primarily at members of the UK Higher and Further Education communities and related agencies. Delegates representing non-profit making organisations (e.g. public libraries, local and central government, registered charities, etc) can attend but should be aware that the content of the event relates to the interests of the higher and further education sector. There is a further rate for commercial organisations which is available from the event organisers.
Please note that in order to avoid fraudulent applications, we will not normally accept applications from Hotmail (and similar) accounts. Also note that no support will be given for visa applications.
You can register for the workshop using the BOOKING FORM - you will need to click on the registration button. After registering you will receive a login which will enable you to modify your booking up until Friday 7th June 2013. Please ensure you keep a copy of your login ID.
Note the the closing date for bookings is Friday 7th now extended
until Monday 17th June 2013.
Parallel Sessions
When you book you will be able to select two parallel sessions. You are advised to read the parallel session abstracts prior to booking:
- Parallel Sessions A - 16:00 - 17:30 Wednesday 26th June 2013
- Parallel Sessions B - 16:00 - 17:30 Thursday 27th June 2013
For queries please feel free to email the UKOLN events team at events@ukoln.ac.uk.
Please use a separate form for each individual application.
This booking form constitutes a legally binding contract. In the unlikely event of a cancellation, the organisers will make a full refund but disclaim any further liability.