Institutional Web Management Workshop 2011:
Responding to Change
The Adobe Connect service was used to provide the live video steaming at the IWMW 2011 event. A record of the discussion on the Adobe Connect chat channel is given below. Note that the event organisers suggested that in order to minimise fragmentation of discussion the #iwmw11 Twitter tag should be used to discuss the content of the talks. A Twapper Kepper archive of the #iwmw11 tweets is available.
In addition the list of the participants on the Adobe Connect channel is also given below.
Chat on Adobe Connect on day 1 - Tuesday 25 July 2011
anne wilbourn: (7/27/2011 08:48) lancaster university mhawksey: (08:56) Edinburgh (not so sunny today) Marieke Guy: (08:56) Glad to see a few people up bright and early! David Mackland: (08:57) Hot showered, un-hungover and ready Drew McConnell: (12:03) Glasgow on a glorious sunny day. Pity I am in this dark office really... jenny b: (13:18) ormskirk edge hill uni
Chat on Adobe Connect on day 2 - Wednesday 25 July 2011
Marieke Guy:It may be difficult to show everything Brian is showing but we'll do our best! Drew McConnell:Brian needs to use the mic Drew McConnell:cheers Marieke Guy:Any better? Drew McConnell:yep he can dance about as much as he likes now j4:*waves* Marieke Guy:Google doc at http://bit.ly/rcSvbx Marieke Guy:Milly Shaw Marieke Guy:Don't have URL for blog aggregation service - sorry Marieke Guy:Found it at : http://iwtb.ukoln.info/feeds Marieke Guy:Claire Gibbons Marieke Guy:Duncan Ireland Marieke Guy:Miles Banbury Marieke Guy:sorry Miles Banbery Marieke Guy:Chris Gutteridge David Mackland:hands up Tommy G:Yes, well done, thank you very much for broadcasting this
Participants on day 1 - Tuesday 25 July 2011
On the first day of the IWMW 2011 event there were 34 participants on the Adobe Connect live video stream:
- Alister Cattell
- Alison Coote
- Ann Wilbourn
- Ant
- Barney
- Ben s
- Bethan Sperduty
- Danny
- Darren Langlands
- Debbie Nicholson
- David Bailey
- David mackland
- H
- Hannah
- Leigh
- Martin
- Mark Fendley
- M Hawksey
- Michelle
- Mike Roch
- Neil Allison
- Nigel
- Paul Kelly
- Psychemedia
- Remote
- Rich Manley Reeve
- Sonja Van Praas
- Steve Gough
- Steve Rae
- Tommy G
- Web Packets
- Stephen Morgan
- Drew
- Kev Mears
- Barney
- J4
Participants on day 2 - Wednesday 26 July 2011
On the second day of the IWMW 2011 event there were 39 participants on the Adobe Connect live video stream:
- Alison Fabian
- Anne Wilbourn
- Annindk
- D Mackland
- Drew Mcconell
- H
- J4
- Sue Beckingham
- JS Walters
- MB
- M Hawksey
- Mike McConnell
- Richard
- Rick
- Tommy G
- Webpackets
- Bethan Spurduty
- Richard Evans
- Steve Gough
- Jenny B
- Carol W
- David
- Alison Coote
- Hannah Cooper
- LR Mason
- J4 ipod
- Amy
- Salma
- Steve
- PeteJ
- Mark fendley
- Mark Carrigan
- Remote
- Kev Mears
- Dave c SH
- PaulG
- Fred
- X
- Psychemedia