5 Minute Interview: Rich Manley-Reeve

12:00 pm in interviews by m.guy

Who are you?
Rich Manley-Reeve

Where do you work and what do you do?
Northumbria University, Senior Web Developer

What are your main areas of interest?

Are you working on anything exciting?
Currently we are developing an iPhone/Android app for our prospective

Have you been to IWMW before?
Yes, Aberdeen 2008

What has been the best bit this year so far?

Really enjoyed Patrick Lauke’s plenary on HTML5 and bar camp on making mobile-friendly sites.

It has been very interesting getting an insight into what others are
doing, especially in the mobile/app field.

What will you take away?
I am eager to start looking into HTML5 after seeing a taster here.
Some good ideas & inspiration for mobile services

Will you do anything differently as a result of IWMW?
What I’ve seen here especially in terms of mobile services/apps will
inform our future developments/enhancements in this area.

What do you think would be the impact on you or your organisation if
there was no IWMW?

We’d be a lot more insulated and would lack awareness of what others are doing. It is very helpful to see how other institutions approach common problems.