Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010
Parallel Session A1: RDFa from theory to practice
- Title:
- A1: RDFa from theory to practice
- Session Tag:
- #A1
- Time:
- Monday 12th July 2010 16:00-17:30
- Facilitators:
- Adrian Stevenson, Mark Dewey and Thom Bunting, UKOLN.
- Abstract:
In this session we will:
- provide an introduction to what's happening now in Linked Data and RDFa
- demonstrate recent work exposing repository metadata as RDFa
- explain how integration of RDFa within a content management system such as Drupal can enrich semantic content - and in some cases help significantly boost search engine ranking.
Contact Details
Adrian Stevenson
UKOLN University of Bath Bath UK BA2 7AY Phone: +44 (0) 161 4454934 Fax: +44 (0) 1225 386838 Email: a.stevenson@ukoln.ac.uk |
Thom Bunting
UKOLN University of Bath Bath UK BA2 7AY Phone: +44 (0) 1225 386066 Fax: +44 (0) 1225 386838 Email: t.bunting@ukoln.ac.uk |
Mark Dewey
UKOLN University of Bath Bath UK BA2 7AY Phone: +44 (0) 1225 383231 Fax: +44 (0) 1225 386838 Email: m.dewey@ukoln.ac.uk |
Adrian Stevenson is a project manager and technical researcher at UKOLN.
He has managed the highly successful SWORD project since May 2008 and also manages the JISC
Information Environment Technical Review project. Adrian represents UKOLN and JISC on various
activities including Linked Data and the Semantic Web, and standards such as OAI-ORE and SWORD.
Adrian has a long-standing interest in Linked Data, having presented on the subject on many occasions.
Adrian has also worked for the Learning Technology Services Team at the University of Manchester, and MIMAS, a national data centre based at the University of Manchester, on the JISC-funded JORUM project (2002-2005). Prior to this he was a Web Developer for Multimedia Services at Leeds Metropolitan University (2001-2002) and the Web Editor at King's College London (2000-2001). Adrian first studied Economics and later Continental Philosophy at the University of Warwick. Following this he became a professional guitarist in a number of bands based in London, as well as a Sound Engineer for a number of independent artists including My Bloody Valentine.
Dr Thom Bunting works as Web Manager (e-Framework / Information Environment Technical Foundations) in the Software and Systems team at UKOLN. In this role he researches and evaluates innovative content management technologies, including the recent integration of RDFa within Drupal versions 6 and 7. Previously his work has included extensive leading-edge web management experience, within commercial and academic contexts.
Mark Dewey is a Systems Developer in the Software and Systems Team at UKOLN.
Please note that two of the presentations are available on the Slideshare repository and embedded below: Adrian's Stevenson's talk on RDFa From Theory to Practice and Thom Bunting's on http://www.slideshare.net/tcbukoln/semantic-content-management-consuming-and-producing-rdf-in-drupal-4796732.
Note that although this page initially validated to the RDFa+HTML DTD once the Slideshare resource had been embedded the embedding mechanism has resulted in a failure to validate, although the page should still render correctly.