Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010
This page contains news about the Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW) 2010.
- Evaluation Form to close
- Today is the last day attendees (including remote attendees) can fill in the online evaluation form. This form offers a more comprehensive set of questions than those available in the paper evaluation form. [23 Jul 2010]
- Evaluation Form for Attendees (including remote audience)
- An online evaluation form is now available for all attendees (including remote attendees). This form offers a more comprehensive set of questions than those available in the paper evaluation form. [14 Jul 2010]
- Live streaming and Recorded Talks
- Live streaming and recording of talks are available from the University of Sheffield Web site. [12 Jul 2010]
- Interactive map of Sheffield venues now available
- The Sheffield Web team have produced an interactive map which has drinking and dining establishments in Sheffield plotted on it. This map is also for use on mobile devices. [09 Jul 2010]
- Sponsored Places
- Information on who won the sponsored places. [08 Jul 2010]
- Live Video Stream
- Details of how to access the live blogging service at IWMW 2010 is now available. [06 Jul 2010]
- Live Video Stream
- Details about the live video stream for remote participants at IWMW 2010 is now available. [05 Jul 2010]
- Delegate Information Online
- All delegate information has been emailed out but is also available online. [01 Jul 2010]
- Reminder that Bookings and opportunity to apply for a Sponsored place will close on Friday
- Last chance to book for this year's event. [23 Jun 2010]
- Sponsored Place for those with No Funding
- Thanks to the sponsorship provided by Statistics into Decisions we are able to offer a limited number of free places to participants who would like to attend the IWMW 2010 but are unable to do so due to lack of institutional support. [21 Jun 2010]
- Travel Information for Event
- IWMW 2010 travel information and maps are now available. [17 Jun 2010]
- IWMW Bookings to close soon
- IWMW 2010 bookings will close next week. A number of parallel sessions are now full. [10 Jun 2010]
- IWMW BuddyPress Social Network
- The IWMW 2010 blog provides access to the BuddyPress social networking environment. However we are currently experiencing problems, with new subscribers being treated as spammers. We are working on this problem. [1 Jun 2010]
- IWMW blog
- The IWMW 2010 blog is now live. [28 May 2010]
- Social Information on Kelham Island
- Information is now available on the social events to take place at IWMW 2010. [17 May 2010]
- Bookings for IWMW 2010 now open
- You can now book for the 3-day event. Delegate costs are 350, this includes ensuite accomodation, meals and materials. [04 May 2010]
- A programme for IWMW 2010 is now available
- A provisonal programme for the 3-day event is now available. [26 April 2010]
- Call for participation now closed
- The call for participation in IWMW 2010 is now closed, ideas can still be added to the Ideascale site. [5 Mar 2010]
- IWMW 2010 Ideascale site set up
- An Ideascale site has been established to collect ideas on the type of topics people would like to hear about. [08 Feb 2010]
- Call for participation now open
- The call for participation in IWMW 2010 is now open, please send any proposals you have in by Friday 5 March. [11 Jan 2010]
- IWMW 2010
- The "Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010 Web site was set up. [11 Dec 2009]
RSS Feed
An RSS news feed of the page is available
which you can view using RSS viewers such as
Policies On RSS Feeds
The following policies apply to RSS feeds for the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010:
- We will seek to ensure that the content of the RSS feeds is accurate and appropriate.
- We will seek to ensure that the titles and descriptions are kept to a consistent length and style.
- We will endeavour to ensure that the URL of this page and of the RSS feeds for at least one year after the event.
- We will validate the RSS files when they are created or updated.
- We will make use of simple, clean RSS in order to ensure the feeds can be used in a wide range of RSS readers.