Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010
Parallel Session A8: Stylesheets for mobile/smartphones
- Title:
- A8: Stylesheets for mobile/smartphones
- Session Tag:
- #A8
- Time:
- Monday 12th July 2010 16:00-17:30
- Facilitator:
- Helen Sargan, Web Manager, University of Cambridge.
- Abstract:
- here are several strategies with stylesheets that will give a better experience for users of mobile devices (and also netbook-size devices). This session will look at what these strategies are and how they work and whether they help enough people and are robust enough to be worth pursuing.
Contact Details
The University of Cambridge
New Museums Site, Pembroke Street
Phone: +44 (0) 1223 334480
Email: hvs1001@cam.ac.uk
Helen Sargan has been
slogging away at the Web in Cambridge for as long as it has been
around. She has a lively time managing the Web requirements of
both the Computing Service and the wider University, and acting
as a hub for advice for the other Web managers in the University
(which amounts to several hundreds).