Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010
Plenary Talk P8: Replacement CMS - Getting it right and getting the buy-in
- Title:
- P8: Replacement CMS - Getting it right and getting the buy-in
- Session Tag:
- #P8
- Time:
- Wednesday 14 July 09:15-11:00
- Speaker:
- Richard Brierton, Internet Services Manager, University of Sheffield.
- Abstract:
Sheffield are doing a major upgrade (replacing) their CMS, this talk will be sharing that experience, and talking about how we've
managed the process.
The broad themes will be:- Designing a user experience
- Catering for the majority
- User requirements, not user requests
- How much flexibility is too much flexibility
- Selling CMS to your users for the second time
- Support and training
- Making the web team visible
- Getting your users on your side
- How to deal with the troublemakers
Contact Details
The University of Sheffield
Western Bank
S10 2TN Phone: +44 (0) 114 222 1163
Email: r.brierton@sheffield.ac.uk
Richard Brierton has been working in the web team at the University of Sheffield since 2003 - initially as a Web Developer, and since 2007 as head of the web team.
Since graduating with a degree in Multimedia Technology (video, animation, web etc), he has run through a wide-range of activities at the university - web development, design, usability, server setup and administration, improving resilience of systems, video streaming, collaboration tools plus a whole host of other things he cares not to mention. The team also spend a lot of time working with their Web Marketing team on cross-cutting work!
Current fads are creating an editor community; training up the web editor community; upgrading/replacing their CMS; increasing user support and buy-in, most of which he'll be talking about at the conference.
- Slides
- [HTML format] - [MS PowerPoint format]
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