Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010
Plenary Talk P0: Welcome
- Title:
- P0: Welcome
- Session Tag:
- #P0
- Time:
- Monday 12 July 13:30-14:00
- Speakers:
- Marieke Guy UKOLN and Brian Kelly.
- Abstract:
- Marieke Guy and Brian Kelly will give an introduction to IWMW 2010.
Contact Details
Marieke Guy is a research officer in the Community and Outreach Team at UKOLN. She has chaired IWMW for the last 4 years (with one short-break in which she had a baby!).
Marieke is currently working on a digital preservation guide for JISC. In the past she has been involved in many JISC and cultural heritage projects from the technical (Good APIs, ePrints, Subject Portals), to the not-so-technical (Web 2.0 workshops for museums, libraries and archives) and the in-between (JISC PoWR, Nof-digitise, Ariadne).
Marieke is UKOLN's remote worker champion and last year won the Remote Worker of the year accolade. She has worked on a number of initiatives aimed specifically at remote workers and written several articles on remote working and related technologies. She maintains a blog entitled Ramblings of a Remote Worker.
Brian Kelly is UK Web
Focus - a post funded by the JISC
which provides advice and support to the UK Higher and Further
Education communities and the museums, libraries and archives
sector on Web issues. Brian is based at UKOLN.
Brian has been involved with Web development activities since he helped to establish a Web service at the University of Leeds in January 1993 - probably the first institutional Web service in the UK.
Brian attended the first World Wide Web conference in Geneva in 1994. He has attended several of the conferences since then and has been involved in the programme committee on a number of occassions.
Brian's interests include Web standards, Web accessibility, quality assurance for Web services and innovative Web developments, including collaborative Web tools. He has been involved with IWMW since the series started in 1997.
- Slides
- [HTML format] - [MS PowerPoint format]
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