Institutional Web Management Workshop 2012:
Embedding Innovation
Online Extras
The Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW) 2012 will take place at the University of Edinburgh from Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th June 2012.
In addition to the IWMW 2012 web site there are a number of additional online services available to support the event. These are summarised below.
The Lanyrd service is being used again this year. We have set up a IWMW 12 area on Lanyrd. This provides access to the following resources:
- Access to the IWMW 2012 timetable, including the timatable for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
- A speaker directory which includes details of other events the spekers have spoken at or attended which have been registered on Lanyrd.
- A list of attendees at the event, and other events they have attended which have been registered on Lanyrd.
- Abstracts for the plenary talks and workshop sessions, which will include access to the slides and videos and reports of the sessions if and when such resources become available.
In addition to these services it should be noted that the Lanyrd site provides a mobile-friendly interface to the programme.