Beginning Monday 25th July, the day before the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2011 starts, DevCSI will be running a free event for developers looking at hacking content, systems and services for institutional/open data. Lunch, refreshments and accommodation will be provided.
The event is aimed at developers, web developers, information specilists, data managers and policy makers working in Further or Higher Education who are interested in the provision of open data to support a variety of institutional activities.
The event, which takes place from 10am on Monday till 12:30 on Tuesday, includes presentations which outline various examples of use of open data. Time has also been allocated for a number of lightning sessions where delegates can talk about projects, technologies or issues that they think other attendees will find interesting.
In addition to the talks there will be opportunity for participants to
suggest ideas for open development activities which could be developed during the day. Results from the event will be presented at the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2011.
The event is being organised by the DevCSI project and staff from the
University of Southampton.
DevCSI is about helping software developers realise their full potential, by creating the conditions for them to be able to learn, network effectively, share ideas, collaborate and innovate creating a ‘community’ of developers in the learning provider sector which is greater than the sum of its parts.
There will be opportunities for attendees of this event to proceed on to the Institutional Web Management Workshop.
See the Open Data and the Institutional Web event page for more information.
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