Institutional Web Management Workshop 2009
Parallel Session: Using Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Title:
- B2: "Using Amazon Web Services (AWS)"
- Facilitator:
- Mike Richwalsky, Assistant Director of Public Affairs, Allegheny College
- Abstract:
Participants in this workshop will learn both the conceptual and practical levels of cloud computing technologies and position themselves to help their campuses evaluate the appropriateness of these solutions to their operations. Hands-on activities and in-depth discussion will focus on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform.
Participants will interact with AWS tools in a production environment, including starting up virtual servers, storing data in the cloud, and accessing a content delivery network.
Participants will have opportunities to share ideas, learn about best practices and ways to evaluate cloud computing as a solution, and explore use cases relevant to their local campus needs. They will also gain access to information on current vendors, products, and delivery models for these remote computing resources.
- Contact Details:
Mike Richwalsky
Assistant Director of Public Affairs
Allegheny College
Email: mrichwal@allegheny.edu Twitter: mrichwalsky
- Webinar
- See Higher Ed Web site