Raising Awareness

"The IWMW event provides an opportunity for those involved in the provision of institutional Web services to hear about institutional case studies, national initiatives and emerging technologies and to actively participate in a number of parallel sessions."

IWMW 2009 is the thirteenth workshop.
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Institutional Web Management Workshop 2009

Plenary Talk P7: Lightweight Web Management

#P7: "Lightweight Web Management"
Christopher Gutteridge, Web Projects Manager, University of Southampton

Chris Gutteridge will share a bunch of useful techniques his team has evolved for managing multiple servers and hundreds of Web sites for the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. These techniques have significantly improved the standard of service provided, without creating lots of extra grunt work. Some of these techniques may be directly useful, others may just give you ideas for similar low cost ways to improve your operation with minimal extra day-to-day work for your staff. If there is time, the audience will be encouraged to share their own techniques and ideas.

Lots of cool little tricks...

Contact Details:
Christopher Gutteridge
Web Projects Manager
School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton


Web site:


[HTML format] - [MS PowerPoint format]

Twitter Posts About This Talk

The hashtags "#iwmw2009" and "#p7" were for this plenary talk. The Archivist desktop application was used to create a local copy of the tweets for this talk:

According to this tool, 27 Twitter posts were found.