Institutional Web Management Workshop 2012:
Embedding Innovation
Call for Participation
The Call for Participation at the IWMW 2012 event is now closed. The online submission form is no longer available. Also note that you can no longer submit ideas to Ideascale.
About IWMW 2012
The Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW) 2012 will take place at the University of Edinburgh from Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th June 2012.
As participants at previous events will be aware this workshop is aimed at those involved in management of institutional Web services. The workshop aims to address a broad range of topics including strategic, managerial, resourcing and technical issues.
A key feature of the workshop is the importance placed on participative and interactive sessions, including hands-on sessions, group discussions, etc.
Theme: Embedding Innovation
At the IWMW 2010 we explored the theme of The Web in Turbulent Times. Last year we described institutional approaches for Responding to Change. This year the theme for the IWMW 2012 event will be Embedding Innovation.
The theme will build on our awareness of the changes we have seen in the current turbulent times and the ways in which institutions have sought to respond to these changes. Institutions will be exploring new ways of working, which will include exploitation of new technologies, moves towards greater use of a variety of cloud services which are hosted outside the institution and an understand of the importance of mobile access to online services, as well as responding to the changing expectations of our user communities, particularly in light of changes to the ways in which universities are being funded.
Institutions will now be expected to be embedding innovative practices as a response to these various changes, which will include not only exploiting appropriate new technological developments but also implementing new working practices.
The IWMW 2012 event will provide an opportunity to hear about ways in which institutional Web management teams are responding to the challenging times we now find ourselves in.
The range of topics which may be covered at the workshop is broad, reflecting the wide range of interests and challenges which face those involved in providing institutional Web services. Proposals may include, but are not restricted to: Management and Resource Issues; Web Strategies; Technical Issues and Innovation; Information Management; Use of Mobile Technologies; Role of Social Media; Legal Issues; Staff Development; etc.
Please note that we welcome talks giving examples of new and innovative approaches to institutional Web management as well as presentations detailing case-studies and exemplar work, which is of benefit to the community.
The workshop will consist of a number of plenary presentations together with a larger number of parallel sessions. The plenary presentations will last for 30-45 minutes. The parallel workshop sessions will probably last for 1 hour 30 minutes and parallel briefing sessions will last from 30 minutes - 1 hour.
Plenary Sessions
Proposals are invited for plenary sessions. This will involve delivering a talk lasting for around 30-45 minutes to all delegates. We invite proposals from both well-known speakers with a national or international reputation together with proposals for those who may be new to the community or have not spoken at or facilitated sessions at previous workshops.
The main requirements for plenary speakers are to talk on a subject that is of relevance to a significant proportion of the audience and to engage the audience's interest. Presentations are likely to be on a subject which has national relevance or an institutional or regional case study which provides insights which will be of general interest. Presentations relating to this year's theme (Embedding Innovation) are encouraged.
Talks should not cover detailed technical material or be too parochial.
Workshop Facilitators
Proposals are invited for parallel workshop sessions which will last for approximately 90 minutes. Workshop sessions should aim to be interactive and allow the opportunity for participants to contribute actively, through involvement in discussions, hands-on exercises, etc.
The deadline for submissions was initially 3rd February 2012. However this deadline was subsequently extended.
Speakers and workshop facilitators will normally be expected to book a place on the workshop (this will be at a reduced rate).