Institutional Web Management Workshop, IWMW 2013
What Next?
Plenary Talk P7: The Inside-Out University
- Title:
- The Inside-Out University
- Session Tag:
- #P7
- Time:
- Thursday 27th June 2013 from 11:00-11:45
- Speaker:
- Martin Hamilton, University of Loughborough
- Abstract:
It's a truism that Universities are going through a period of enormous change. This talk will focus on one particular development - the move to being "open by default", in which the web community will play a key enabling role.
There are many practical considerations around opening up institutional information such as course data, educational resources and research datasets. Until recently these might typically have been considered to be "private" to the institution or even the individual academic, and our systems and services have tended to be constructed on this basis.
Being open by default also has a lot to do with changing the institutional culture so that we are used to working more broadly and deeply with external partners. These include service providers, consumers of the information that we are making open, and facilitators such as the Open Data Institute.
In this talk I will look at some examples from Loughborough University including our recent Jisc projects on Open Course Data and Business & Community Engagement. I will also use crowdsourcing to solicit feedback from the community on their own experiences of the open access transition, and fold these into the talk.
Lanyrd Page About This Plenary Talk
Further information about this plenary talk is available on Lanyrd. If you attend this talk or would like to track it feel free to join the Lanyrd entry.
The presentation is available on the Slideshare repository and embedded below.
Video Recording
Also note that a video recording of the four talks in the morning session is also available.