Institutional Web Management Workshop, IWMW 2013
What Next?
The IWMW 2013 event will be held at the University of Bath on Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th June 2013.
This page provides information about the rooms to be used for the event. The page contains information about the rooms for the plenary talks, parallel workshop sessions, parallel workshop sessions in PC Labs, and registration/exhibition area.
Campus Maps
See the campus map including the 3D map (PDF) and the (PDF).
Main Lecture Theatre
The plenary talks will be held in Lecture Theatre
3WN 2.1.
This lecture theatre can hold up to 198 participants. The lecture theatre is to be found in building 3WN. Note that buildings are referred to by their geographical location - building 3WN is to be found to the West and North of campus.
An image of lecture theatre is illustrated.
Rooms For Parallel Sessions
Most of the parallel sessions will be held in level 2 of Building 8W. The following rooms will be used:
- 8W2.23 (holds 58)
- 8W2.30 (holds 60)
- 8W2-28 (holds 30)
- 8W2-27 (holds 30)
- 8W2-34 (holds 40)
- 8W2-20 (holds 40)
- 8W2-22 (holds 24)
- 8W2-24 (holds 24)
The rooms are either lecture theatre or seminar room style.
Rooms For Parallel Sessions in PC Labs
Two of the parallel workshop sessions (A1: Digital Storytelling and A8: Technical Project Management: Top Tips for Our Times) will be held in PC Labs. Details of these rooms will be provided shortly.
Registration Area
Information about the Registration Area will be provided shortly.
Campus Maps
See the campus map including the 3D map (PDF) and the (PDF).