Institutional Web Management Workshop, IWMW 2013
What Next?
A list of IWMW 2013 organising committee, speakers, facilitators and chairs is given below.
Note that a location map of the host institution for the plenary speakers can be viewed using Google Maps or Yuan.
This interface makes use of a geo-located RSS feed which is available as a .xml file, an RSS 1 file or a a .rss file.
In addition to the list given below the speakers and facilitators are also listed on Lanyrd.
IWMW 2013 Organising Committee
Details of the organising committee for the Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW) 2013 event are given below.
Brian Kelly [anchor]
Brian Kelly
is chair of the IWMW 2013 organising committee. Brian works for the Innovation Support Centre (ISC)
at UKOLN, University of Bath which has a
responsibility for supporting innovation across the UK higher and further
education sector.
Brian established the IWMW series of events in 1997 and has been chair or co-chair of the event ever since. Brian has also spoken at all of the IWMW events.
Contact details and relevant links:
Brian Kelly, UKOLN, University of Bath, BATH, UK, BA2 7AY
- Web: isc.ukoln.ac.uk
- Blog: ukwebfocus.wordpress.com
- Email: b.kelly@ukoln.ac.uk
- Twitter: @briankelly
- Rebelmouse: briankelly
- Slideshare: lisbk
- Google+: http://goo.gl/SjVgA or http://gplus.to/ukwebfocus
- LinkedIn: ukwebfocus
Plenary Talks: Welcome to IWMW 2013 and
IWMW 2013: Conclusions
Workshop Session: Managing Your Professional Online Reputation
Natasha Bishop [anchor]
Natasha Bishop
is the Events and Marketing Manager at UKOLN and has responsibility for IWMW 2013
organisational issues. Natasha is based at
Contact details:
Natasha Bishop, UKOLN, University of Bath, BATH, UK, BA2 7AY
Email n.bishop@ukoln.ac.uk
Twitter: @ukolnevents
Michelle Smith [anchor]
Michelle Smith
provides additional support for the organisation of the IWMW 2013 event.
Michelle is based at UKOLN.
Contact details:
Michelle Smith, UKOLN, University of Bath, BATH, UK, BA2 7AY
Email: m.smith@ukoln.ac.uk
Twitter: @ukolnevents
IWMW 2013 Session Chairs
Details of the plenary session chairs for the Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW) 2013 event is given below. In addition to the people listed below biographical details for Brian Kelly is given elsewhere on this page.
- Brian Kelly will chair the opening and closing sessions.
- Marieke Guy will chair the session on Supporting Key Institutional Drivers.
- Colin Work will chair the session on The User Experience.
- Amber Thomas will chair the session on The Changing Technical Landscape.
- Martin Hamilton will chair the session on The View From Outside.
- Helen Sargan will chair the session on Institutional Case Studies.
Plenary Speakers at IWMW 2013
Details of the 13 plenary speakers at the Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW) 2013 event is given below.
Doug Belshaw [anchor]
Dr. Doug Belshaw is Badges & Skills Lead for the non-profit Mozilla Foundation.
He evangelises Open Badges in Europe and heads up Mozilla's work around a new,
open learning standard for Web Literacy. Doug formerly worked for JISC infoNet
and completed his doctoral studies last year on the topic of digital literacy.
Prior to that he was a teacher and senior leader in English schools.
Plenary session: Mozilla, Open Badges and a Learning Standard for Web Literacy
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: doug@mozillafoundation.org
Web: http://dougbelshaw.com/
Blog: http://dougbelshaw.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DougBelshawsBlog
LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/dajbelshaw/
Google+: http://gplus.to/dajbelshaw
Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/dajbelshaw/
Lanyrd: http://lanyrd.com/people/dajbelshaw/
Twitter: @dajbelshaw
Plenary talk: Mozilla, Open Badges and a Learning Standard for Web Literacy
Paul Boag [anchor]
Paul Boag has been working with the web since 1994. He is now
co-founder of the digital agency Headscape,
where he works closely with clients to establish their web strategy.
Paul is a prolific writer having written the Website Owners Manual, Building Websites for Return on Investment, Client Centric Web Design and numerous articles for publications such as .net magazine, Smashing Magazine and the econsultancy.com.
Paul also speaks extensively on various aspects of web design both at conferences across the world and on his award winning web design podcast boagworld.
Plenary session: Institutional Culture Is Crippling Your Web Strategy!
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: paul@headscape.co.uk
Blog: http://boagworld.com/blog/
Twitter: @boagworld
David Cornforth [anchor]
David Cornforth is a designer living in Newcastle. He spends his
time designing and building digital products that involve a mix of interaction design,
content strategy, web development and project management.
He is Multimedia Developer for Jisc infoNet based at Northumbria University and has a broad interest in design and technology, with a particular focus on responsive design.
Plenary session: Adapting to Responsive Web Design
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: d.cornforth@northumbria.ac.uk
Organisational Web site: http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/
Blog: http://www.dc86.co.uk/
Twitter: @dc86
Neil Denny [anchor]
Neil Denny
is an author and regular speaker across Europe and North America on matters
relating to collaboration and the conflict that arises within it. Recent engagements
include the plenary at the 4th European Collaborative Conference and the
Do Lectures.
Plenary session: The Delicious Discomfort Of Not Knowing: How to Lead Effectively Through Uncertainty"
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: neildenny@allLD.co.uk
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/neildenny
Twitter: @NeilDenny
Cable Green [anchor]
Cable Green works with the global open education community to
leverage open licensing, open educational resources, and open policies to significantly
improve access to quality education and research resources so everyone in the world
can attain the education they desire.
Cable has 15 years of academic technology, online learning and open education experience in higher education and recently led a project to build and share a general education curriculum under the CC BY license. Cable holds a PhD in educational psychology from Ohio State University.
Plenary session: Open Education: The Business & Policy Case for OER
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: cable@creativecommons.org
Organisational Web site: http://creativecommons.org/
Twitter: @cgreen
Note the photograph of Cable Green is available under a Creative Commons licence. Attribution: CC BY 3.0 / Mariana Bittencourt, UNECSO
Dai Griffiths [anchor]
Dai Griffiths is a Professor at the Institute for Educational Cybernetics, The University of Bolton. He has a background in the arts and education, and is surprised to find that he has now been working with educational technology for over 20 years. He has published extensively on Learning Design, and among his principal current interests is the growth of learning analytics and its implications on which he has recently published a report (see http://publications.cetis.ac.uk/2012/532).
Plenary session: The University in a Bind
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: dai.griffiths.1@gmail.com
Institutional Web site: http://www.bolton.ac.uk/
Departmental Web site: http://www.bolton.ac.uk/IEC
Martin Hamilton [anchor]
Martin Hamilton
is Head of Internet Services at Loughborough University, with responsibility for
Web Systems, E-Learning Systems, Research Computing and Corporate Database Development.
He led the
Loughborough Goes Google project
and organized the GUUG11 and
GEUG12 Google Apps user group conferences;
implemented my.Lboro, Loughborough's Web 2.0 portal
and developed HPC Midlands,
a new supercomputing on demand service for research and industry. Martin has also
played a leading role in a number of recent projects around
Open Access, Open Data and Open Educational Resources,
which will be the basis of his talk at IWMW13.
Plenary session: The Inside-Out University
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: m.t.hamilton@lboro.ac.uk
Blog: http://martinh.net/
Twitter: @martin_hamilton
Jonathan Hassell [anchor]
Professor Jonathan Hassell
is lead author of
- the British Web Accessibility Standards that help organisations to embed
accessibility competence within their workforce, culture and business-as-usual processes.
He is Former Head of Usability & Accessibility, BBC Future Media where he
combined usability and accessibility disciplines to support user-centred-design
across web, mobile and IPTV. He has won awards for managing accessibility projects
including: BBC iPlayer, the
personalisation tool MyDisplay and
the information site My Web, My Way.
Through 'Hassell Inclusion' he provides inclusion training and consultancy to
organisations worldwide, and leads innovation projects to make inclusion easier
and cheaper to implement.
Plenary session: Stop Trying to Avoid Losing and Start Winning: How BS 8878 Reframes the Accessibility Question
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: jonathanhassell@yahoo.co.uk
Blog: http://www.hassellinclusion.com/
Twitter: @jonhassell
Tim Kaner [anchor]
Due to other committments, Tim Kaner is now not speaking at the IWMW 2013 event.
Tim Kaner
is Director of Marketing & Communications at the University of Bath. He joined
the University of Bath as Director of Marketing & Communications in 2012
Tim started his career in advertising before moving to Sony Europe where he became
Director of Marketing Communications. He led Sony's Marketing Strategy Office with
a mission to help build a more customer centric sales and marketing culture.
Tim has also worked as a branding and marketing consultant across sectors including
FMCG, Energy, Financial Services, Healthcare and Telecoms.
Kyriaki Anagnostopoulou [anchor]
Kyriaki Anagnostopoulou
is the Head of e-Learning at the University of Bath, UK. In her role, she leads
the enhancement of learning and teaching through the use of technology and her work
aims to inform both institutional policy and practice. Kyriaki's most recent work
involves leading the development of MOOCs from an institutional perspective and
internationally, working with the British Council to lead the professionalisation
of learning design and e-learning in India.
Kyriaki has presented and facilitated workshops at over 30 conferences in relation to e-learning, staff development, managing change, and the first year experience. She has significant experience in learning design and distance education, has numerous published works, has led national projects, is a peer reviewer for academic journals, a steering member of the UK Heads of e-Learning Forum and until 2011 she led an HEA national special interest group on e-learning and the first year student experience. Furthermore, Kyriaki has bid for, received funding and has led on projects funded by the Higher Education Academy, JISC, MillionPlus, the Leadership Foundation in Higher Education and the British Council.
Kyriaki is currently completing doctoral research which focuses on educational leadership across the UK higher education sector with regard to e-learning.
Plenary session: E tu MOOC? Massive Online Considerations
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: k.anagnostopoulou@bath.ac.uk
Departmental Web site: http://www.bath.ac.uk/learningandteaching/
Institutional Web site: http://www.bath.ac.uk/
Richard Prowse [anchor]
Richard Prowse
is a digital strategist in Higher Education and co-Founder of Bath's first content
strategy meetup - passionate about brand, content, information architecture and user experience.
A graduate of the University of Leicester, in 2011 he joined the University of Bath as Web Content Manager, responsible for bath.ac.uk.
In 2011 while working for Bournemouth University he was shortlisted for the Vice-Chancellor's Unsung Hero of the Year, for his contribution to the University's web development.
Richard also regularly speaks at conferences and meetups about Content strategy.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: r.w.prowse@bath.ac.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richprowse
Twitter: @richprowse
About.me: ttp://www.about.me/richprowse
Plenary talk: IWMW and the birth of a Content Strategist
Workshop session: A Practical Guide to Delivering Content Strategy in the UK
Ranjit Sidhu [anchor]
Ranjit Sidhu
(or Sid) is founder of statistics into Decisions (or SiD). Around 1998 Ranjit
fell into the internet space whilst trying to run away from a career in law.
Since then he has worked at several internet based companies, but has found his
niche in analysis and helping clients understand what is going on in the internet
ether and how to use that information to improve what they do.
Around 7 years ago he set up SiD, Statistics into Decisions, now based in Scotland - since then the company has, happily, found a market for its basic ethos on making information relevant and something that can be used so hat it now works with top blue chip companies, SiD currently has 14 UK University clients.
Plenary session: 9am, 16th August, 2012: "What the fcuk just happened then?"
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: ranjit@sidspace.info
Twitter: @rssidhu
Amber Thomas [anchor]
Amber Thomas manages the academic technologies team at the
University of Warwick, which includes responsibility for elearning tools advice,
the VLE/LMS, coursework management, support for digital humanities, and collaborating
on research data management and academic epublishing. Until late 2012 she worked
at JISC, where she focussed on digital infrastructure
for learning materials. Amber blogs at
and has a particular interest in the shared agendas of open education and open research.
Plenary session: Turning our Attention to Supporting Research
Contact details:
Email: Amber.Thomas@warwick.ac.uk
Blog: http://fragmentsofamber.wordpress.com/
Twitter: @ambrouk
Paul Walk [anchor]
Paul Walk
has been working with library and web technologies since the early 1990s, as a
software developer, manager and service director, in the UK Higher Education sector.
He has led the development of successful Web services in the areas of library systems,
e-Learning and university management information systems. Paul is currently
Director of the Innovation Support Centre at UKOLN,
University of Bath in the UK, where he has been for six years. The Innovation Support Centre
is funded by the JISC to provide programme support, technical advice and research
and development services to the Further and Higher education sectors. Paul has been
an active blogger since 2003 and currently maintains a blog at
Plenary session: Working With Developers
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: paul@paulwalk.net
Blog: http://blog.paulwalk.net/
Twitter: @paulwalk
Workshop Facilitators at IWMW 2013
Note that a location map of the host institution for the workshop facilitators can be viewed using Google Maps or Yuan.
This interface makes use of a geo-located RSS feed which is available as a .xml file, an RSS 1 file or a a .rss file.
Details of the workshop facilitators at the Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW) 2013 event will be given below. In addition details for Brian Kelly and Marieke Guy are given elsewhere in this page.
Steve Boneham [anchor]
Steve Boneham
works as a learning technologist at Jisc Netskills. This increasingly involves
helping people consider how a digital storytelling approach can help them communicate
the benefits and impact of their work in a way that engages their audience. This
has included training with University research and service units, Jisc-funded projects
and public sector organisations. In other work, Steve tends to bang on about WordPress
and mobile.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: steven.boneham@newcastle.ac.uk
Organisational Web site: http://www.netskills.ac.uk/
Blog: http://sboneham.com/blog/
Team blog: http://netskills.jiscinvolve.org/
Twitter: @sboneham
Workshop session: Digital Storytelling
Thom Bunting [anchor]
Thom Bunting
works on project management and web development at the Innovation Support Centre,
UKOLN, based at the University of Bath.
With extensive training in project management and more than 20 years of experience
managing leading-edge developments, he is particularly interested in how the golden
rules of technical project management can be tailored to variously challenging environments.
Whether projects are commercial or academic, delivering small-scale incremental
changes or large-scale transformations, he believes that it is important to focus
on fundamental principles of project management designed to address key risks and
to increase the prospects of delivering expected benefits.
Contact details and key links:
Thom Bunting, UKOLN, University of Bath, BA2 7AY
Organisational Web site: http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/
Professional details: http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/ukoln/staff/t.bunting/
Email: thom.bunting@bath.edu
Session: Technical Project Management: Top Tips for Our Times
Lynn Boyle [anchor]
Lynn Boyle
is Programme Convenor (level 8) for the BA Childhood Practice and a lecturer on
the Teaching Qualification in Further Education at the University of Dundee. Prior
to this, she was employed as a lecturer at Dundee College and before that as
Development officer in Childcare at Dundee City Council. Her early career was in
direct childcare including a 1 year post in Rome, Italy, when she learned conversational
Italian. She is interested in teaching and learning in the tertiary education sector
and has become more interested in digital literacy and promoting student personal
learning networks as they work through their studies.
Lynn's teaching is informed by her practice experience, as is her recent entry into the world of research. She has worked with many colleagues across the University to increase her own personal learning network and has found common interest in distance and e-learning to be extremely useful.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: L.Y.Boyle@dundee.ac.uk
Organisational Web site: http://www.dundee.ac.uk/
Professional summary: http://www.dundee.ac.uk/eswce/people/lboyle.htm
Twitter: @CPDundee
Workshop session: Connections, Connecting, Connected
Adam Cooper [anchor]
Adam Cooper
joined the Institute of Educational Cybernetics at the University of Bolton in
2006 as Deputy Director of JISC CETIS.
His professional history has included a range of roles within further and higher education and educational technology. Following several years teaching chemistry in further education and developing computer-based simulations, interactive tutorials and self-tests he focussed on educational technology and joined Farnborough College of Technology (a HE and FE institution) in 1998 as the first head of their new Teaching and Learning Technology Centre. In this role he worked closely with the heads of the library and computing services to develop the use of technology in teaching and learning within the college and thorough local partnerships.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: a.r.cooper@bolton.ac.uk
Organisation Web site: http://www.cetis.ac.uk/
Twitter: @adam_r_cooper
Blog: http://blogs.cetis.ac.uk/adam/
Workshop session: Analytics - What is Changing and Why Does it Matter?
Christopher Eddie [anchor]
Christopher Eddie is Web Officer in the
Public Affairs Directorate of the University of Oxford
Christopher studied Architecture at Edinburgh University. Between 1994-2002 he worked in London beginning in graphic design, then lecturing in IT/graphics/multimedia in FE and HE colleges, then IT/web consultancy and web design for the Greenwich Enterprise Board. In mid 2002 he went AWOL for 2 years.
Since 2004 he has lived in Oxford, initially biding his time in print design for Elsevier then working on its intranet before landing his dream job at Oxford University in 2007.
His favourite projects so far are the Wall of 100 Faces, Oxford's iTunesU channel and Oxford University - The Official Guide App.
Christopher is a member of the team which supports use of social media services at the University of Oxford.
Contact details:
University Web site: http://www.ox.ac.uk/
Email: christopher.eddie@admin.ox.ac.uk
Session: Institutional Use of Social Media Services
Chris Gutteridge [anchor]
Christopher Gutteridge
works as the Linked Open Data Architect at the University of Southampton. He is
lead developer for data.ac.ukdata.ac.uk (launched in March 2013)
and in 2012 accepted the Times Higher Education award for "Outstanding IT Initiative of the Year"
for the data.southampton.ac.uk project.
Before working on Linked Open Data services, Chris was lead developer for EPrints.
Chris is a strong supporter of Open Standards, Research, Access and Data; but
puts the emphasis on pragmatic rather than perfect solutions.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: cjg@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Organisation Web site: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/
Professional details: http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/cjg/
Twitter: @cgutteridge
ECS Web Team Blog: http://blog.soton.ac.uk/webteam/
Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Gutteridge
Workshop session: Save Money and Make Things Better with Linked Open Data
Marieke Guy [anchor]
Marieke Guy
works for UKOLN and has been involved with
the Institutional Web Management Workshop series for many years: as a co-chair,
workshop facilitator and participant.
Last year her role at UKOLN changed and she became an Institutional Support Officer for the Digital Curation Centre (DCC), working towards raising awareness and building capacity for institutional research data management at HEIs. In her role she deals with researchers and the teams that support them. From July she will be working for the Open Knowledge Foundation on their LinkedUp project supporting the adoption of open data by educational organisations and institutions.
Contact details:
Marieke Guy, Institutional Support Officer, DCC, UKOLN, University of Bath, BA2 7AY
Web site: http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/
Email: M.Guy@ukoln.ac.uk
Twitter: @mariekeguy
Blog: http://remoteworker.wordpress.com/
Workshop session: Open Up: Open Data in the Public Sector (with Tony Hirst).
Martin Hawksey [anchor]
Martin Hawksey
is an advisor at the Jisc Centre for Educational Technology and Interoperability Standards
(CETIS), a national advisory and innovation centre
supporting the UK Higher and Post-16 Education sectors on educational technology
and standards. His current work covers multiple aspects of open education and
digital scholarship, his knowledge of social networks and analytics being applied
in a number of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
Martin regularly develops ad hoc tools for collecting and analysing data shared
on his blog MASHe.
Contact details and relevant links:
Blog: http://mashe.hawksey.info/
Google+: http://google.com/profiles/mhawksey
Twitter: @mhawksey
Tony Hirst [anchor]
Tony Hirst
is an academic in the Department of Communication and Systems at the Open University,
but better known for the OUseful blog on practical applications of Open Data.
Tony was described as "brilliant" in The Guardian data blog for his work analysing the use of twitter by journalists.
Tony has also been featured in Wikipedia.
Contact details:
Blog: http://ouseful.info/
Email: tony.hirst@gmail.com
Twitter: @psychemedia
Workshop session: Open Up: Open Data in the Public Sector
Lisa Jeskins [anchor]
Lisa Jeskins
is a freelance trainer and information professional. Lisa provides training for
information professionals across the UK and has worked with the British Library,
NHS Libraries and various university libraries. Lisa specialises in providing training
on social media, coping with change, customer service and train the trainer.
Before going freelance full time this year, Lisa worked as a Promotions and
Outreach Officer at Mimas.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: lisa@lisajeskinstraining.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/lisa-jeskins/19/889/807
Web site: http://lisajeskinstraining.com/
Twitter: @LisaJeskins
Workshop session: Living in Uncertain Times... or How to Become More Resilient
Clare Kennedy [anchor]
Clare Kennedy
is Digital Communication Officer at University of the Arts London. Currently
leading the content stream of UAL's website redevelopment project, Clare believes
content strategy can be a force for good within all web projects - even higher education web projects!
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: c.l.kennedy@arts.ac.uk
Institutional Web site: http://www.arts.ac.uk/
Twitter: @CKLondon
Workshop session: A Practical Guide to Delivering Content Strategy in the UK
Sheila MacNeill [anchor]
Unfortunately Sheila MacNeill is unable to attend the IWMW 2013 event. She is being replaced as facilitator for the session on "Analytics - What is Changing and Why Does it Matter?" by her CETIS colleague Adam Cooper.
Sheila MacNeill
joined Cetis in 2004 as a part time secondment from Learning and Teaching Scotland
where she was a learning technologist involved in creating web based teaching and
learning resources. In 2006 Sheila moved to Cetis on a permanent basis. Sheila's
main areas of interest and work are around the user experience of using and implementing
technology for teaching and learning. Much of her work recent work has involved
supporting a number of Jisc programmes including curriculum design and delivery
distributed learning environments and developing digital literacies. Sheila is
currently active in exploring the implications and potential of analytics to support
teaching and learning; the learner experience of MOOCs and exploring the notions
and realities of "digital" institutions.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: s.macneill@strath.ac.uk
Organisation Web site: http://www.cetis.ac.uk/
Twitter: @sheilmcn
Blog: http://blogs.cetis.ac.uk/sheilamacneill/
About.me: http://about.me/sheilmcn
Workshop session: Analytics - What is Changing and Why Does it Matter?
Hanna Miettinen [anchor]
Hanna Miettinen works as consultant trainer at Jisc Netskills
where she specialises in helping people create effective web content.
With a background in journalism, she has experience in writing web copy for diverse audiences. She has a flair for design and leads on media production as part of Netskills' digital storytelling team.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: hanna.miettinen@newcastle.ac.uk
Organisational Web site: http://www.netskills.ac.uk/
Team blog: http://netskills.jiscinvolve.org/
Twitter: @HannaMiet
Workshop session: Digital Storytelling
Edward Miller [anchor]
Edward Miller
is a graduate of University of Sheffield. In his final year reading Philosophy &
Psychology, he formed Re:Axive, a digital marketing company, specializing in
interactive imagery & maps. The company produces large scale 'gigapixel' photos
that can be tagged through Facebook, 360 degree imagery and is trusted by Google
to produce Street View imagery. Earlier this year Edward's company helped the
University of Sheffield become the first University with Street View inside their buildings.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: edward@reaxive.com
Company Web site: http://www.reaxive.com/
LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/edwardrichardmiller/
Twitter: @edwardrmiller
Workshop session: Opening up university space online using Google Street View, Interactive Maps & Dynamic web design
Mike Nolan [anchor]
Mike Nolan
is Head of Web Services at Edge Hill University where he is responsible for development
of external Web sites and a portal service for staff and students.
Michael has previously facilitated sessions at IWMW on a variety of topics and regularly posts about HE web development topics on the Edge Hill Web Services blog.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: Michael.Nolan@edgehill.ac.uk
Twitter: @MikeNolan
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mjnolan
Blog: http://blogs.edgehill.ac.uk/webservices/
Workshop session: WordPress Beyong Blogging
Nitin Parmar [anchor]
Nitin Parmar
is responsible for exploring and supporting technology enhanced learning in the
Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office at the University of Bath. His current
interests include: the 'flipped' classroom; promoting reflection upon the development
of graduate employability skills; and exploring augmented reality as a means of innovating within public engagement activities.
Nitin brings wider sector context and has bid for, received and contributed to several JISC and Higher Education Academy (HEA) funded projects, based both at the University of Bath and further afield. Nitin is a founding Steering Group Member of the ESTICT Special Interest Group, a professional network which explores the pedagogical benefits of classroom technologies.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: N.R.Parmar@bath.ac.uk
Twitter: @nrparmar
Departmental Web site: http://www.bath.ac.uk/learningandteaching
Institutional Web site: http://www.bath.ac.uk/
Personal Web site: http://go.bath.ac.uk/nitin
Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/nrparmar/
Workshop session: Adventures with Augmented Reality
Kirsty Pitkin [anchor]
Kirsty Pitkin
is a professional event amplifier and social media consultant. She spends her time between events
researching better ways to amplify conferences and workshops to a wider audience using the professional
and social networks of the participants. She regularly blogs about this work at the Event Amplifier website.
Kirsty has worked with institutions within the higher education sector to provide a solid research base for social media engagement strategy development. She also collaborated with the University of Bristol and UKOLN on the Jisc-funded Greening Events II Event Amplification Toolkit, which provides information and best practice guidance for event organisers within higher and further education who want to maximise the benefits that social media and online tools can offer as part of a green, open approach.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: kirsty@eventamplifier.com
LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/kirstypitkin
Twitter: @eventamplifier
Blog: http://eventamplifier.com/
Workshop session: Creating a Multimedia CV or Project Summary
Rich Pitkin [anchor]
Rich Pitkin
specialises in filming and editing video interviews and event presentations. He works with
event amplifier Kirsty Pitkin to provide live video streaming services and produce video footage
for use on social media channels.
Contact details and relevant links:
LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/richard-pitkin/12/b77/537
Mark Power [anchor]
Mark Power is a researcher in Educational Technology
at the University of Bolton. Based at the Institute for Educational Cybernetics,
Mark has also been involved in supporting the work of JISC eLearning Programmes
through the JISC Innovation Support Centre, CETIS.
While interested in many areas of the use of technology in learning, Mark's focus is now on the rapidly evolving and expanding area of mobile technology and how best to utilise this to deliver institutional services, learning and the relationship between a user's mobile technology and how it can join up personal learning environments with institutionally controlled systems.
Contact details:
Web site: http://jisc.cetis.ac.uk/
Blog: http://markpower.me.uk/workblog/
Twitter: @markpower
Session: IWMW: The Digital Story
Kate Robinson [anchor]
Kate Robinson
is the University Librarian at the University of Bath where she is responsible for
developing and delivering library & archive strategies and services. Having
worked as a librarian for over 20 years in a variety of sectors, she particularly
enjoys exploring the potential and use of emerging technologies.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: K.M.Robinson@bath.ac.uk
Library Web site: http://www.bath.ac.uk/library/
Institutional Web site: http://www.bath.ac.uk/
Workshop session: Adventures with Augmented Reality
Marie Salter [anchor]
Marie Salter
is e-Developments Manager in the central e-learning team at the University of Bath
supporting staff across the institution in their use of technologies to enhance
the student learning experience. She is involved in a number of projects and
currently leads a pilot of web conferencing tools at the University.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: m.salter@bath.ac.uk
Twitter: @marie_s
Helen Sargan [anchor]
Helen Sargan has been a webmaster since 1994, and in IT since 1990. A career before that as an editor in scientific and medical textbooks and journals gives a different perspective on information. 2012/13 saw the redesign of the University web templates and their installation into Drupal and Plone. Currently absorbed in supporting the new templates and managing and supporting a Plone-based content management service that is migrating sites into them.
Contact details and relevant links:
Address: Helen Sargan, University Computing Service, New Museums Site, Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QG
Email: hvs1001@cam.ac.uk
Organisation Web site: http://www.cam.ac.uk/
Nick Sheppard [anchor]
Nick Sheppard is Repository Developer at Leeds Metropolitan University and Technical Officer for UKCoRR (UK Council of Research Repositories). Nick has a particular interest in integrated research management infrastructure including repositories and CRIS (Current Research Information Systems).
Contact details and key links:
Email: N.E.Sheppard@leedsmet.ac.uk
Blog: http://repositorynews.wordpress.com/
Blog: http://ukcorr.org/activity/blog/
Twitter: @MrNick
Workshop session: The Institutional Web Site and the Institutional Repository: Addressing Challenges of Integration
Adrian Stevenson [anchor]
Adrian Stevenson
is a Senior Technical Innovations Coordinator at Mimas, a national centre for
technical innovations and data hosting based at the University of Manchester.
Adrian has been working on a range of projects since being at Mimas: 'Linking Lives', 'WW1 Discovery', the JISC Discovery Management Framework and a technical review project for the Manchester Museums and Galleries Partnership. These projects are primarily about advocating open data as well as implementing open APIs (application programming interfaces) and Linked Open Data technologies.
Adrian previously worked at UKOLN managing the LOCAH Linked Open Data project (http://archiveshub.ac.uk/locah/), the JISC Observatory project (http://blog.observatory.jisc.ac.uk/) and the SWORD project (www.swordapp.org).
Adrian has played the guitar for a number of years in various bands, and has made several records. He's a director and trustee of the Manchester Jazz Festival (http://www.manchesterjazz.com/), blogs about jazz (http://theringmodulator.blogspot.com), writes occasional reviews for the Jazzwise magazine website and hosts a radio show on Manchester's ALL FM 96.9 station.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: adrian.stevenson@manchester.ac.uk
Twitter: @adrianstevenson
Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/adrianstevenson/
Lanyrd: http://lanyrd.com/profile/adrianstevenson/
LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/adrianstevenson/
Workshop session: IWMW: The Digital Story
Stephanie Taylor [anchor]
Stephanie Taylor is a library & information researcher, consultant and trainer/facilitator with a background in academic libraries. Stephanie also worked for over five years on the 'dark side' as a project manager & engineering team leader for a library software company. She occasionally use that experience to write documentation and wrangle developers for HEI software development projects.
Stephanie's main interests are in all things digital library, social media, digital copyright, repositories, Open Access and Open Development. She also likes to work in the grey area of being a dumb user among developers. She likes to talk about her professional interests and knitting on Twitter, as @criticalsteph
She also likes yarn, tea, cake, cocktails, chocolate and shoes and will consider working for any or all of these things!
Stephanie currently works part-time as a freelancer and part-time for UKOLN at the University of Bath.
You can contact Stephanie for more specific information on current and previous projects or for a chat about possible work at criticalstepht@gmail.com
Contact details:
Email: criticalstepht@gmail.com
Twitter: @criticalsteph
Workshop session: The Institutional Web Site and the Institutional Repository: Addressing Challenges of Integration
Owen Stephens [anchor]
Owen Stephens
has been working in Library and IT services within the Higher Education sector for
over 15 years. As well as a strong technical background, Owen has been on the
management team of the library services of two leading UK Universities, and has
been responsible for a number of innovative projects at both institutional and
national levels. For the last 3 years Owen has been working as a consultant,
working with Universities and Libraries in the UK on a wide variety of projects,
from strategic planning to software development.
Contact details and relevant links:
Email: owen@ostephens.com
Twitter: @ostephens
Web: http://www.ostephens.com/
Blog: http://www.meanboyfriend.com/overdue_ideas/
Workshop session: Getting the Best out of Consultants
Colin Work [anchor]
Colin Work
trained and worked as a Librarian in Dublin but was seduced into the IT support
world by the University of Southampton where he developed and supported information
services for many years. He has been involved with the web since 1993. After being
side tracked into the world of ITIL and a stint as a problem manager, he has now
got back to his roots providing web support for the University of Portsmouth Library.
He also manages the Pixstel stock image library.
Colin would like to be a photographer when he grows up.
Contact details:
University Web site: http://www.port.ac.uk/
University Library Web site: http://www.port.ac.uk/library/
email: colin.work@port.ac.uk