Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010
Key Resources
This page provides a list of key reources resulting from the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2010.
An echo 360 version of of the plenary talks are available from the University of Sheffield Web site. Unfortunately there were technical problems on the last day of IWMW10 and two #P8 talks (StudentNET Portal and The impact of SharePoint in Higher Education) were not captured.
Videos of the talks are available from individual talk pages:
- The Web in Turbulent Times
- Are web managers still needed when everyone is a web ‘expert’?
- HTML5 (and friends)
- Mobile Web and Campus Assistant
- ‘So what do you do exactly?’ In challenging times justifying the roles of the web teams
- No money? No matter – Improve your website with next to no cash
- It's all gone horribly wrong: disaster communication in a crisis
- Conclusions
If available slides in HTML format, MS PowerPoint format and as Slideshare embeds are available from individual talk pages and individual parallel sessions pages.
Embedded below is a Slideshare presentation pack of all slides with the IWMW10 Slideshare tag. This pack can be embedded in other Web pages.
Twitter Archives
Following the planned wirhdrawal of the Twapperer Keeper archiving service a copy of the #iwmw11 tweets has been made:
A number of additional resources are given below:
- IWMW10 blog - Summaries of talks and sessions, interviews with participants, links to blog articles etc.
- RSS feeds - RSS feeds feeds from IWMW10 and previous years.
- Summarizr - Summary of #iwmw10 Tweets.
- Flickr - Photos tagged with iwmw10.